User Time Sheet Entries Pop-Up Fields and Buttons

Access this pop-up from the Weekly Time Sheets page to view itemized time sheet submissions for a selected user.

When you double-click on a progress bar on the Weekly Time Sheets page, this pop-up displays information for the selected user on that day.

Field Description
Submitter This column displays the name of the person who submitted the time sheet.
Job # This column displays the job number.
Client This column displays the name of the client.
Project This column displays the name of the project.
Job This column displays the name of the job.
Stage This column displays the name of the stage.
Task This column displays the name of the task.
Start This column displays the start time of the task. If you have the necessary permissions, you can click in a cell to edit the time.
End This column displays the end time of the task. If you have the necessary permissions, you can click in a cell to edit the time.
Time This column displays the time spent on the task. If you have the necessary permissions, you can click in a cell to edit the time.

TrafficLIVE displays the total task time for all listed time sheets at the bottom of the column.

Comment This column displays any comments added to the time sheet.
Work Points This column displays any value added by the submitter to the Work Points field for the time sheet. It is used as an optional measurable value.

For example, a user might add 15 work points to indicate 15 pages of proofread text or 15 telephone calls answered.

Billable This column specifies whether the job is billable. You can select or deselect the check box to change the status.
Click to view previous/next day time sheets for the selected user.
Click to close the pop-up.
If you have the necessary permissions, you can click to create a time sheet for the selected user. New time sheet fields are displayed on the pop-up:
  • Select a client in the Client field.
  • Select a project in the Project field.
  • Select a job in the Job field.
  • Select a task in the Task field.
  • Select the Start/End dates and times.
  • Select the number of hours for the task in the Time field.
  • The Employee field defaults to the selected employee. If this time sheet is needed for a different employee, select that employee.
  • Enter any additional comments into the Comments field.
  • Work Points is an optional numeric field that can be used as a measurable value. For example, you can add 15 work points to indicate 15 pages of proofread text or 15 telephone calls answered.

  • Select the Billable check box if the task is billable.
  • Click Create to create the time sheet or click Cancel to cancel the time sheet creation.
If you have made any changes, click Save.

Time Sheet Colors

The following table describes the progress bar colors that may be displayed on your time sheet.

Color Description
The user has logged all or more than expected billable hours.
The user has logged less than the expected billable hours. TrafficLIVE only displays the red color if you have set expected hours limits in the user account.
The user has logged non-billable time.
The user has signed off non-billable time. If approval is not required, dark gray may never be seen on the time sheet.
The user has signed off billable time. If approval is not required, light gray may never be seen on the time sheet.